Ultimate Genre Research: Drama

    Drama is just one of those things that you can relate to, it causes real emotion to spike up which makes it a good Genre because it actually makes the watcher feel some way in relation to the movie, or has some type of internal conflict happening which just draws the story deeper.

Common Camera Angles and Movement in Drama Films

  • Close-ups
  • Tilt 
  • Dutch
  • Eye level
  • High angle
  • Over-the-shoulder shot
  • Point of View

Common Mis-En-Scene

  • Harsh lighting
  • heavy acting
  • massive settings
  • clever Costumes

Common Editing in the Drama Genre

  • Jump cuts
  • eye-line match
  • Cross-cutting
  • montage
Common Sounds used in Drama films

  • Sound Motif
  • Voice over
  • Dialogue
  • sound Bridge
  • Non-Diegetic sound
  • Diegetic sound
Examples of Drama films

  1. Napoleon
  2. All quiet on the western Front
  3. Barbie

But what do I like about the genre?

    The sound used and how it can be in the movie nicely and completes the scene or movie well. The diegetic sound in some drama films is amazing as it improves a scene the noise of a charged army or a person singing a song can improve a scene greatly, and sound Motifs are also good as they give a shorthand on who is in a scene for example in Star Wars there is a Motif of the use of the force something small like lifting a rock same more important in the scene. So Motifs is great and can improve the moment tenfold.  

What elements of the genre do not appeal to me?

    The Dialogue and Close-ups can take me out of the movie as sometimes the Dialogue can be cluck and rough, and the close up can be unnecessary and lower a scene for example there is a moment a character is talking and the words don't fit then boom a close up on a character that was not importation to the scene and is not doing something important to the plot.


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